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Whole House Video

Distributed Audio / Video

Distributed audio and video systems are essentially this…


A distributed audio system means that all of your music or other audio sources (cable boxes, DVD players, etc.) are consolidated in one central place (typically an equipment rack), and are “distributed” to the speakers throughout the house. With a distributed audio system, you have the ability to listen to different sources in different rooms, or even the same source in all rooms.


Distributed video is basically the same concept as distributed audio, except with video sources instead of audio sources. In a distributed video system all the video sources (cable boxes, Apple TV, DVD players, etc.) are consolidated in one central location (again, typically an equipment rack), and are “distributed” to the TV’s throughout the house. The beauty of a distributed video system is that you no longer need to have bulky furniture, electronics, and wires at each TV location. You simply need to have a TV on the wall and a remote control. That’s it. With a distributed video system each TV in the house has the ability to watch any of the video sources in the rack. The days of needing a cable box, DVD player, etc. at each TV are over.


Aveon has installed hundreds of distributed audio and video systems. We use time proven equipment from reputable manufacturers so that we can provide you with a stable and trouble-free system.


Visit our design center and showroom to learn how we can make Control4 work for you. To get started today, give us a call at 713-529-2282 and schedule an appointment.

2405 Norfolk Street

Houston, TX 77098

Showroom Hours: 8am-5pm M-F 

Phone: 713-529-2282


Copyright (c) 2023 Aveon, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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